26 coaches online • Server time: 16:43
Darkside Cowboγs
Dodge (20k)
Tackle (20k)
GAME 2 vs Skaven
Badly hurt 2 Skaven Linesmen and smashed the knee of a third
GAME 1 vs Slann
Gouged out Slann Linesman's eye.
Strong Arm (30k)
GAME 1 vs Slann
Completed two short passes, fouled a Slann catcher to death and received the MVP.
GAME 1 vs Slann
Badly hurt Slann Linesman with a foul, before getting sent off for fouling late in the second half.
GAME 2 vs Skaven
Smashed the hand of a Skaven Blitzer with a beautiful foul
GAME 4 vs Goblins
Badly hurt a Doom Diver with a well timed boot
GAME 1 VS Slann
Was sent off late in the second half for fouling.
Dodge (20k)
Tackle (20k)
GAME 4 vs Goblins
Badly Hurt a Gobbo and scored a brace
+ST (50k)
Dodge (20k)
GAME 1 VS Slann
Scored both touchdowns and led the team to victory.
GAME 2 vs Skaven
Fractured the arm of a Skaven Linesman
GAME 4 vs Goblins
Badly hurt a Goblin Pogoer