Machu Picchu Arqueoastronauts
Very Long Legs
Thick Skull
Los defensores de las «hipótesis de los antiguos astronautas» a menudo sostienen que los seres humanos son descendientes o creaciones de seres extraterrestres que visitaron la Tierra hace miles de años y que los seres híbridos de las mitologías antiguas son creaciones de estos seres alienígenas.
Una idea asociada es que gran parte del conocimiento humano, la religión y la cultura vinieron de los visitantes extraterrestres en la antigüedad, en la que los astronautas antiguos actuaron como una "cultura madre".
Defensores de los "antiguos astronautas" también creen que los viajeros del espacio exterior conocidos como "astronautas" construyeron muchas de las estructuras en la tierra como las pirámides de Egipto y las cabezas Moái de piedra de la Isla de Pascua o ayudaron a los seres humanos en su construcción.
Mighty Blow
Vivre sous la tyrannie rend souvent résigné et craintif.
Diving Tackle
Jump Up
Very Long Legs
Tahuantinsuyo Lakeman is a 238-year-old saurus chef who enjoys baking, social card games and reading. He is creative and kind, but can also be very unkind and a bit unstable.
Physically, he is in pretty good shape. He grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. He was raised by his uncle, his mother having left when he was young.
Tahuantinsuyo best friend is a chef called Roni Lockie. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with some amazons. They enjoy stealing candy from skinks together.
Mighty Blow
Apurímac is a 29-year-old middle manager who enjoys bridge, travelling and bloodbowl. She is giving and smart, but can also be very dull and a bit violent.
She started studying business studies at college but never finished the course. She has a severe phobia of chickens
Physically, Apurímac is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is short with walnut skin, black hair and brown eyes.
She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. After her father died when she was young, she was raised by her mother (as every amazon).
Very Long Legs
Le beurre est sous mon menton.
She's brave, conceited and calm. This isn't surprising considering for someone with her tormented past.
She was born and grew up in a great family in a developing city, she lived happily until she was about 10 years old, but at that point things changed.
She destroyed someone's life during a drought and was caught up with the wrong people. With the help of a stranger she had to survive in a bizarre world. But with her persistance and vigor, she managed to face all obstacles and crush all that's in the way. This has turned her into the woman she is today.
Still affected by the past, she now works on making it in a large tournament. By doing so, she hopes to live a normal life and finally find purpose to life she has never had.