RPG Villains Strike Again!
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Mighty Blow
Kefka is the leader of the group, and the main villain from Final Fantasy VI. As in his original game, Kefka is insidious, and the true definition of evil. His random acts of craziness inspire terror in the people surrounding him, even his teammates! In fact, his dressing as a jester only adds to his fearsome demeanour...
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A silent, brooding person, Sephiroth is Kefka's right hand man, ready to step up whenever needed. He was the main villain in Final Fantasy 7, and is looking to secure some more souls for his collection.
Laharl, now the ruler of the Netherworld, is looking to expand his domain. But Hoggmeiser is out of cash, and to support the cause, Laharl and his associates signed on with the villains. He is the main villain/hero from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.
Always her master's vassal, Etna signed onto the team because Laharl asked her to. Well, he didn't ask, he forced her to. She is a supporting villain/hero from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.
The son of President Shinra, Shinra is an ambitious man. When someone *coughsephirothcough* killed his father, his corporation was ruined. Now, seeking to avenge his father's death, and find the murderer *coughsephirothcough*, he signed up with the Villains. He is a minor villain from Final Fantasy 7.
Prince Cort is one of the major villains from Legend of Legaia. His sister, one of the protagonists, tries to convert him back to the side of good. But his Ra Seru makes him completely evil, and causes him to kill his parents... He is an evil mastermind, who never speaks unless spoken to. Evil AND polite... ooh.
The main villain from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf has nothing to do now that Link has gone into kid-mode. So he joined the Villains to dish out some hurt.
A master swordsman and aristocrat, Algus is a racist/sexist/classist bastard who likes none but himself. From Final Fantasy Tactics.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
Sure Hands
Dump Off