Orcs B Random
CTV 1290k Black Orc team, coached by Iscaban
# Name Position Ma St Ag Pa Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Vp Sp Cost
1 Bologra Flingwing Trained Troll 4 5 6+ - 10+ Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate, Stand Firm, Multiple Block, Pile Driver, Juggernaut -ag 11 0 0 0 8 2 24 0k
2 Mog Elfstealer Black Orc 4 4 4+ - 10+ Brawler, Grab, Block, Juggernaut 12 0 0 0 4 0 8 0k
3 Urag Flingarm Black Orc 4 4 4+ - 10+ Brawler, Grab 12 0 0 0 1 0 2 0k
4 Bashnag Beastbreaker Black Orc 4 4 4+ - 10+ Brawler, Grab, Sure Hands, Wrestle 12 0 0 1 1 1 8 0k
5 Kurdan Elfeater Black Orc 4 4 4+ - 10+ Brawler, Grab 12 0 0 0 1 0 2 0k
8 Gharol Elfstealer Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ - 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull, Jump Up, Diving Tackle d 5 0 1 0 0 1 7 0k
9 Yazgash Norsebrook Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ - 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull, Jump Up, Diving Catch m 11 0 1 0 0 1 7 0k
10 Nag Dreaddawner Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ - 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull, Sneaky Git, Catch, Diving Catch 12 0 3 0 1 1 15 0k
11 Garakh Lizardgor Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ 3+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull, Diving Catch, Catch, Defensive m 11 1 2 0 0 2 15 0k
6 Ushnar Elfgor Black Orc 4 4 4+ - 10+ Brawler, Grab, Sure Hands, Dirty Player 12 0 0 0 2 2 12 0k
12 Snat Froggor Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ - 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull, Side Step 12 0 1 0 1 0 5 0k
13 Dulphumph Ratmaimer Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ - 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull, Diving Catch, Leap m 11 0 4 0 0 0 12 0k
7 Bat Beastslaver Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ - 7+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull -av 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0k
90 Bomber Dribblesnot Bomber Dribblesnot 6 2 3+ - 8+ Accurate, Bombardier, Dodge, Loner, Right Stuff, Secret Weapon, Stunty, Kaboom! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0k
7 Glob Ratshield Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ - 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull, Diving Catch, Sprint 5 0 0 0 0 2 8 0k
90 Bomber Dribblesnot Bomber Dribblesnot 6 2 3+ - 8+ Accurate, Bombardier, Dodge, Loner, Right Stuff, Secret Weapon, Stunty, Kaboom! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0k
91 Fungus the Loon Fungus the Loon 4 7 3+ - 8+ Ball & Chain, Mighty Blow, Loner, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stunty, Whirling Dervish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0k
8 Dul Dreadstealer Goblin Bruiser Lineman 6 2 3+ - 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0k
Gold 260k
Rerolls 3
Gold No
Gold 0
Gold 5
Gold 0