Servants of the moon lord
CTV 0k Chaos Pact team, coached by Vicious_koala
# Name Position Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Vp Sp Cost
1 Lord Siegfried Von Krishtenheim Chaos Warrior 5 4 2 9 Block -ag 13 0 1 0 2 0 7 0k
2 Skriiitt Gutter Runner 9 1 4 7 Dodge, Catch, Block, Pass Block -st 10 2 9 0 0 1 34 0k
3 Gorfag The Sharp Thrower 6 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass, +MA, Strong Arm 12 9 0 0 0 2 19 0k
4 Björn Catcher 6 3 3 7 Block, Catch, Diving Tackle, Tackle, Dodge 13 2 5 0 5 2 37 0k
5 Korho 'n' herr Minotaur 5 5 2 8 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal d 4 0 0 0 2 0 4 0k
6 Hraz gor teh Chaos Beastman 7 3 3 8 Horns, +MA 13 0 0 0 1 1 7 0k
7 Ung ik bahar Chaos Beastman 6 3 3 8 Horns, Block, Mighty Blow 12 0 1 0 6 1 20 0k
8 Erfang Chaos Marauder 6 3 3 7 Block, Guard 13 0 0 0 2 2 14 0k
9 Panzer Kunst Chaos Marauder 6 3 3 7 Block, Tackle 13 1 0 0 1 1 8 0k
10 Hertzer Vittewulf Chaos Marauder 6 3 3 7 Block, Tackle, Kick 13 0 2 0 3 1 17 0k
11 Erik Nashorn Chaos Marauder 6 3 3 7 Block, Tackle 13 1 1 0 4 0 12 0k
12 Lasombras le gros gayzor Goblin 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catch 10 1 1 0 0 1 9 0k
13 Brutal Boulet Ogre 5 5 2 9 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone Head, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Block, Pro 10 0 0 0 8 1 21 0k
5 Pastaga "the brain tearer" Minotaur 5 5 2 8 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal 6 0 0 0 2 0 4 0k
14 Tartagueule Alarécré Troll 4 5 1 9 Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy 5 0 0 0 2 0 4 0k
15 Jung Chaos Marauder 6 3 3 7 Block 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0k
16 Gros nullos Goblin 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0k
Gold 30k
Rerolls 2
Gold Yes
Gold 0
Gold 10
Gold 2