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Describe BB20KhorneStrategy here.
Khorne are a highly aggressive, bash orientated team. Consisting of a roster with a lot of frenzy and high strength, a Khorne team can expect to deliver a considerable amount of blocks and to spill a fair amount of blood as well! However they share a similar issue to their chaos counterparts in that they start with few skills, making them unreliable. Furthermore their linemen are fragile and their other players expensive, making starting with them challenging. That said, once a Khorne team has gained momentum, be it in development or the pitch, their bash power can be overwhelming to all but the mightiest of teams.
Khorne is a very bash orientated team. Everyone bar one positional has frenzy, Linemen are affordable frenzy chaff, Bloodseekers are exceptional blockers, the Bloodspawn has the deadly claw, mighty claw combo and Khorngors start with horns and Juggernaut making them awesome blitzers. This provides the Khorne team both excellent strength and a lethal presence on the pitch. Like Chaos and Nurgle teams, Khorne have Mutations access, which can give them a variety of roles if specialized correctly.
Some important key points to know about Khorne:
Lets look at some of the positionals.
Bloodseekers are formidable. Like Chaos Warriors except with Ag4+ and starting with frenzy, Khorne Bloodseekers are designed to get into the thick of the action and throw out blocks. With Str4 and AV10+ you can reasonably depend on these guys to last a fair amount of time. Give Block as soon as possible.
Khorngors have multiple roles on the team. Blitzers, screeners, scrummers, blockers and of course, ball carriers. Always ensure that you have one Khorngor as your carrier as well as others for support. Exceptional at Blitzing due to starting with Juggernaut, these are your single safest players at the beginning when it comes t o hitting things.
A Khorngor should also be made into a more reliable carrier, with both sure hands and block.
The Bloodspawn is exceptionally strong, starting with both Claw and Mighty Blow, giving it a 23% chance in removing an enemy player upon a knockdown. However with Frenzy and Loner, it should be used with caution and with AV9+, it is surprisingly ragile for a Big Guy.
Best used when attempting to set up 3d blitzes or to support the frontline scrum. Some coaches prefer to start with him for extra killing power while others prefer to start without for more reliability. That said, the Bloodspawn will be one of your more important players when it comes to reinforcing your frontline and spilling Blood for Khorne!
Your standard Linemen and bread and butter. Start with standard human stat line of a regular lineman but with AV8+ and frenzy. Very fragile and need to be supported by other players but still exceptionally useful when setting up crowd surfs or for supporting your Bloodseekrs.
Khorne are an extremely bash heavy, grind team. With an abundance of frenzy, a Khorne team can expect to throw out an incredible amount of blocks and perhaps even throw a few enemy players into the crowd. They start with a solid amount of strength and decent stats across the board as well as very potent blitzers in the form of the Khorngors. Bloodseekers and the Bloodspawn pound the frontline, while the linemen provide support.
However Khorne teams can be surprisingly hard to control as a poorly timed frenzied block or a savvy opponent can exploit their frenzy harshly. As such, it is important a Khorne coach familiarises themselves with the defensive and offensive options of the team.
Some General Advice
Some general advice for defense.
Khorne's defense should focus on an aggressive counter attack. Depending on the amount of Bloodseekers you start with, place two bloodseekers and a lineman on the line of scrum if you have four, or place one bloodseeker and two linemen if you start with 3.
Try to maintain a strong presence mid field with your two khorngors back mid field ready to blitz and run any targets or parts of the field which need support. The Bloodseekers should always be supported by linemen so they can protect each other from being ganged up on and the Bloodspawn should, early, be used as a blitzer to allow him to get stuck into the fight. Be sure to provide adequate support to not allow him be struck down.
Most opposing teams will be wary about spreading too thin as they are aware of the threat frenzy has in regards to dumping their players into the crowd. If an opponent decides to be reckless, pick off isolated players near the sidelines and pressure their flanks with the Bloodseekers and linemen.
The general strategy is the maintain a strong presence mid field and await your opponent to go down one side of the field. Once you are certain they are committed, send your team down and keep your eyes out for crowd surfing opportunities.
Khorne offense is as straight forward as an offense can get. Bloodseekers and Bloodspawn should rip a hole open in the middle of the pitch while one Khorngor grabs the ball while the linemen and other gors available should escort your Khorngor carrier up field. The Bloodseekers and Bloodspawn should, as on defense, be adequately supported and grind up the field and tearing through the opposition defense.
Be aware that the Khorngors also come with Juggernaut and in a particularly rough drive, can be used to break a hole open in the opposing formation to allow your carrier and his caretakers to advance further up the field. Be very careful of spreading out as Khorne players can be dragged away from the action after being trash marked by linemen and other players. Be certain to maintain a strong, centralised point of attack so that your players can support one another and look for opportunities to break through for your carrier to exploit.
Khorne is a more offensive glass cannon Chaos team. With an abundance of frenzy it is possible for the team to either crush an opposition line into the mud or potentially lose control and find themselves out of position. Furthermore, with a core of a dangerous big guy and Khorne Bloodseekers with fairly fragile linemen, the Khorne coach needs to manage both their fragility while also ensuring they get good blocks in. However this doesn't stop the Khorne team being both a challenging and enjoyable team to use and with a bit of luck and proper risk management, any coach can find success in these blood crazed lunatics. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!
While Khorne teams generally aren't known for being the underdog, there are certain situation they may find themselves at a disadvantage. This can occur normally if a Khorne coach is entering an established league or they have had the misfortune of losing some key players during a rough match or two. As such, there may be some opportunities for the Khorne coach to hire a Star Player and knowing which one does what is important. Below are costs and descriptions of each one.
For detailed information on Star Player stats and abilities, go here:
The list and costs are as follows
At 130k, Max Spleenripper is a Chaos themed chainsaw. With Str4 he is quite capable of having a form of protection from retaliation if given support. While cheaper than Helmut, he cannot freely reroll a kick back, which means he can be somewhat unreliable. However his special ability, Maximum Carnage, allows you to attack two players once per game which could be perfect for tearing open a box. While situational, Max is a Star Player who will perform one of two extremes: Being useless or being stupidly good.
At 140k, Helmut wulf is now freely available for all teams as a chainsaw star. However with both pro and his special rule which allows him to reroll a single armour roll, Helmut is extraordinarily dangerous and also reliable as he will not waste rerolls if he kicks back. A decent choice if you can get him in addition to bribes.
Glart is a cheaper option for blocking duty. Coming in at 195k, a solid choice as he not only has a safety skill with block but also comes with claw to cut down high AV teams. A very good choice against high armour bash teams.
A Chaos Spawn Big Guy who comes with Claw, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail and Unchanneled fury. For a price point of 200k, Scyla can add a solid amount of muscle albeit in an unreliable package. Against heavily armoured teams like Dwarfs and Orcs Scyla excels, as he can potentially tear through their high armour while being durable enough to take hits. Scyla must be used with caution however, especially because he may malfunction with Unchanneled Fury or 1/9 himself. Ideal when facing heavy av10+ teams like orcs, black orcs, lizardmen or dwarfs. An alright choice but inconsistent.
A Skaven Gutter Runner with extra arms, prehensile Tail and two heads. Exceptionally fast and if you urgently need someone to score quickly and reliably, an absolute must have for just 210k.
Easily one of the best stars in the game. Assuming your team is at full strength, Hakflem can win you games.
Coming in at 250k, Grak and Crumbleberry give you two star players in the form of a decent, albeit slow, ball carrier halfling with sure hands and a standard Ogre. He also provides the Chaos team with the chance for a one turn touchdown, something they normally would not have access to. Expensive but a decent choice.
The legendary Minotaur Grashnak Blackhoof returns to the field with both a buff and a nerf. With Strength 6 and MA 6, Grashnak is an extra strong, extra fast Minotaur. Unfortunately he now has Unchanneled Fury making him significantly less reliable but has taken a major price drop fron 310k to 240k. Still an extraordinarily powerful player but now with the caveat of behaving like a regular Minotaur. Grashnak can be useful as a powerful blitzer and with adequate support, a roadblock.
If you are down strength, Grashnak can be a great asset to 3d block and blitz his way through the enemy lines. His special ability too, which allows him to roll an extra block dice regardless of the enemy strength once per game during a blitz, is situational but could be helpful for key moments to down an enemy player. Grashnak excels in matchups where he can get 3d blitzes fairly easily i.e Chaos Dwarfs, Elves, Humans and Orcs. Avoid using him however in matchups with a lot of strength 4 on the field, like Lizardmen and Black Orcs. A decent choice for the strength he brings but needs to be used with care due to his negatrait.
Lord Borak returns for Blood Bowl Season 2 and has come not only with a price reduction to 260k (from 300k) but also now provides an extra team-reroll. As well as this, Lord Borak now has a bonus to his Dirty Player skill (+2) on top of Sneaky Git making it much harder for him to be caught fouling!
Lord Borak acts as an extra strong, reliable Chaos Warrior who provides his team with a massive road block like a Big Guy with none of the drawbacks and can be depended on to throw out blocks, blitz and take a few hits for the team. On top of providing an extra team re-roll, Lord Borak comes with block and mighty blow, making him a reliable and hard hitting player. Lord Borak is now a solid choice for any Chaos Chosen team looking at fighting at a disadvantage.
Coming at 380k, Morg has seen a significant price reduction from his old price (430k) since previous editions. On top of that he now has Mighty Blow +2, meaning he can now add +2 to either the armour or injury roll!
While expensive, Morg is an exceptional asset to any team due to his destructive powerhouse like nature.
As a player, Morg is very good, his only drawback being his exceptional cost.