45 coaches online • Server time: 22:15
League News Legend
Size | Active Coaches | Icon |
Gargantuan | >100 | ✺ |
Huge | 71-100 | ✹ |
Large | 36-70 | ✷ |
Bustling | 21-35 | ✶ |
Cosy | 8-20 | ★ |
Intimate | <8 | ✦ |
or Reforming | unknown | • |
Term | Meaning |
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Major Tournament | Large tournament events held periodically throughout the year which start based on calendar date. Usually host a large number of participant teams. Eligibility to play is not always guaranteed. |
Metagroup | A group comprised of teams with a common goal or competition within (an) open environment(s). |
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Minor Tournament | Smaller tournaments, often of a fixed size which can either start when the required number of teams sign up, or based on calendar date. All qualified teams are permitted to participate. |
Open Play | Game environment in which teams match up using a variety of mechanisms, possibly including but not limited to gamefinder, non-exclusive tournaments, discussions on Discord, and random match schedulers (e.g., Box). |
Playoffs | A elimination tournament, usually at the end of a league season to determine who wins the season championship. |
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Slam | Instant 4 team tournament. The first two matches kick off at the same time. The final is played immediately after if possible. Otherwise, as soon as possible afterwards. Seen in the Secret League Open environments. |
Smack | Instant 8 team tournament. The first two rounds kick off at the same time. The final is played immediately after if possible. Otherwise, as soon as possible afterwards. Seen in the competitive environments. |
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Sprint | An open play tournament. Teams may play as many games as they can/wish within a specified period. A team’s best N consecutive games count towards the standings. |
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Gargantuan | >100 | ✺ |
Huge ✹ |
Large ✷ |
Bust ✶ |
Cosy ★ |
Intimate ✦ |
Incipient • | [/block]