ADDO NEX = 'Bringers Of Death'
Although my record doesnt live up to my name
DOB Jan 1976
Started playing Blood Bowl in the late Eighties
Still have my original board game, complete with the 3 part Foam Pitch, the plastic Humans and Orcs and REAL dice
In those days, there where none of these STUPID Blocking dice, you rolled d6's added strength and that determined the outcome
I still play Undead (Khemri now) LRB4 at local gaming clubs (where my winning % is much better than this online game)
Gotta give myself some props
I used to play anybody, but it seems now most coaches will only play when its in there favor, or there cherry picking. SO unless your one of the coaches I know and have fun playing, ill pick and choose my matches as well.
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do"
More to be added Later