<br /><br /><br />
I'm a lucky man.
<br /><br /><br />
<b>Useful Info:</b>
<b>Bowl bot commands</b>
bb ranked race
<b>Handicap Rolls</b>
Difference in Team Ratings | Number of Rolls
0-10 .......0
11-25 .....1
26-50 .....2
51-75 .....3
76-100 ...4
101+ .......4 + pick a fifth result of your choice
# Rookie: TR 0-100
# Experienced: TR 101-125
# Veteran: TR 126-150
# Pro: TR 151-175
# Elite: TR 176-200
# Legend: TR 200+
<b>To play a direct game... </b>
(Fumbbl help guide <a href="http://fumbbl.com/help:SettingUpGames">here</a>)
Open bb launcher by clicking on play next to your team as normal, and use the following settings:
proxy: no proxy (Make sure you change the drop down to this)
proxy game name: (leave blank)
server: (Insert IP Address here)
port: (Insert port here - usually 8080)
<a href="http://www.bloodbowlonline.com/LivingRulebook4-rev.pdf">LRB v4</a>
<a href="http://www.bloodbowlonline.com/LivingRulebook5.pdf">LRB v5</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coach&op=development&coach=44283">CR regression curve</a>