Highest coach rating 178,95
Highest Coach standing: 24
FC-crazines coach rating: 186,23
FC-crazines coach standing: 28
**BE WARNED!!!**
Most games i play have very biased luck - either im the most lucky sob on the face of this earth - or im DEFFINITELY not!!!
I can't help it!!
If you're really tired of what certain people say to you on IRC, here's a little help how to get rid of them. Simply type /ignore +CoachnameHere . So if you, say, got sick of listening to a coach named "Spirô"'s accusations, you would only have to write /ignore +Spirô. Problem solved....
(this only works in HydraIRC - sorry, I can't save the whole world in one day...)
[20:47] <heinz> Bald-boy er den største lucker i verden - fact
[21:48] <Ulm|pro|leg> Det var sgu en episk dej jeg lige lagde der
Most cas caused by me: <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1570060">Dice Rape</a href>
Had the most wicked dice ever in that match. Good thing most were BHs...
Worst cas caused by me: <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=2132195">Slam Bam Thank You Mam</a href>