My motto: I am here cause I like to be diceraped.
Usual match time 70 minutes.
be prepared, sometimes I comment everything
my bad luck
your bad luck
my succes
your succes
My shortest lived player is the Chaos Beastmen pFiuRd #8 in team ReBlock.
After buying him he started on LoS, survived the first block then was blitzed and died.
Thats it.
I stopped writing whitelist. I like to play against all, but those on blacklist.
now I have to take a rest of BB - its just not relaxing to play 1 great game and then 4 to 9 hopeless struggle match, getting 2-4 CAS no matter if it is Orc or Dwarf, out of which 1-2 is perma/KILL (while I am hardly rolling a KO), or sometimes, when it is the opposite (10june22nd)
update Dec/2015
Got into this again.