NAF Details
NAF name: Cerberus85
NAF number: 29548
FUMBBL Legends
- Boneripper (Cleavehand Rathounds)
- Haamsta 'Doom' Weal (New Gork Giant Ratz)
- Lurk 'Stabby' Tailspike (New Gork Giant Ratz)
League Trophies
1. Averlorn Avengers - RSL Season 2 Winners
2. Bolte Moor Ravens - CA Season 1 Winners
1. Stealing a win with Griff
2. Courtesy of Skitter
3. Courtesy of Hakflem
4. Skaven OTTD: Mv10 GR
5. Human OTTD: Mv8 Catcher
Useful Links
Fumbbl Badges
Grotty Little Newspaper