Sofar I'll refrain from compiling a do-not-play-list, but let it be known that I don't like excessive foulers one bit.
EDIT (28.10.2004): From now on it's simply "you get what you give, be it in turn 16 or not". I am easing up on the whole fouling issue though - have played some rather amusing matches full of fouling.
Sept. 12, 2004: I guess I'll start my do not play list now:
<a href="">Berdol</A></strong>
- for fouling in turn 16. Fouling is part of the game, sure, but turn 16... What's the point?
<a href="">Paradocks</A></strong> - for being the slowest, and by slow I mean deliberately spending +6 minutes pr. turn to move 6 players, because (I suspect) I made the "mistake " of asking him to pick up speed. Sigh.