I don't do games, I do projects!
Currently working on three of them. You may at times get weird offers from me just because the macthup would count towards one or more of them. At the same time I may decline a perfectly good offer from you because I don't need the matchup.
Addicted Player Award Project
All Addicted Player Awards for the LRB4 races: DONE
All Addicted Player Awards: DONE
Addicted Picker Award Project
All Addicted Picker Awards for the LRB4 races: DONE
All Addicted Picker Awards: 8 games, against 1 race (Underworld)
Fill the Grid Project: DONE
Double Grid Project: DONE
Triple Grid Project: DONE
Passing stats Project
Trying to get rid of negative stats for completions (DONE) and passing yards (DONE)