Must have played less than 20 tabletop games of Blood Bowl.
Fumbbl coaches I have played vs on tabletop includes:
With the NAF thing going on, I've even joined NAF:
DaCoach_DK 21027
Played for ages in WIL with Har Ganeth Headrippers - 391 games games played over 47+ seasons.
Presently commisioner of the new bb2020 WIL - on it's 9th season and going strong.
Kinda addicted to FRENZY - having played 2000+ games with Necro, Norse and Dark Elves across R, B and L
Normally on most weekday evenings between roughly 8:30 and 11 pm. Some flexibility during daytime in weekends.
I might appear online several times during the day, browsing the site from work or on the phone, but will only be able to play if also connected to chat.
I might appear online several times during the day, browsing the site from work or on the phone, but will only be able to play if also connected to chat.
'Top 25' Rankings:
Blackbox trophy
Season 8 (4 teams, 60 games)
Squad 1: Necros, Norse, Amazon, Nobles: 43.0 points. 30th.The first 3 did great, Nobles were a disaster - next time no Ogre.
Squad 2: Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Lizards, Nurgle: 35.5 points. 44th. Trying to pick races with a shot of qualifying. Chaos were sorta close, but a difficult pick there, most needing a lot of skills to compete.
Season 7 (4 teams, 60 games)
Squad 1: Necros, OWA, Ogre, Khorne: 38.5 points. 26th. Necro racial lead.
Necros and Ogres did great with 11 points each. OWA was a disaster at 7.5, and Khorve was, Khorne at 8.5
Season 6 (4 teams, 60 games)
Squad 1: Necros, Nobles, Norse, Khorne: 40 points
Squad 2: Nurgle, Orc, Chaos, Black Orc: 57 games, 35.5 points
Did not participate seasons 4-5
Season 3 (4 teams, 100 games)
Squad 1: Necros, Dark Elves, Norse, Ogres: 65 points
Squad 2: Chaos Chosen, Humans, Vamps, Underworld: 66 points
Squad 3: Nurgle, Orcs,Slann, Goblins...
Season 2 (5 teams, 150 games)
29th - 78.5 points - 131 games played
Season 1 (5 teams, 200 games)
12th - 98 points - Completed - Norse racial lead
Ripper Steelclaw (deceased) [R] Legend Werewolf.
Slamma (active) [R] legendary 100+ cas Saurus hard-hitter.
Sweinur Skullthrower (deceased) the 10th ever Norse player to reach legendhood in the box.
Roar Gobcrusher (retired) 17th Norse player to reach legendhood in Box. Top 10 All-time Norse Blocker in Box. 1.09 cas per game average.
Rasputin (retired) 2nd Smack player to reach legendhood.
Hugo (retired) 3rd Smack player to reach legendhood.
Michel Vorm (deceased) [L] Legend terrorising OBBA for Swampsea City AFC for several seasons. another buff wolf crazy 50+ cas str5 dark elf blitzer
Rorariti Farfall (deceased) True team player for WIL league oldtimers Har Ganeth Headrippers, he was awarded 16 MVP in his 110 appearances.
Snuggles Softfur (deceased) Buff Juggernaut Werewolf. another buff wolf crazy 50+ cas str5 dark elf blitzer