Getting a grip of some things slowly.. enjoying playing, winning some games, drawing a few and losing many many more than those combined!
Using Chaos Pact now as well, fancied a change from the usual, Human - Ork - Skaven teams
Getting a bit frustrated and tired of playing so poorly
just check out my record -----------------------------> stinks worse than Nurgle rot.. hrmm.. ?!thats a race I havnt tried!? ...pretty upset that I have like 4-5 teams in
+[L]+[R] and none of them are getting very far very quick
guess if I had less of them then maybe they would.
Am still unsure as to which Race/Play-style I prefer.. I haven't tried all of them yet but I know I don't want to most of them, like the many and varied Elf teams... I thought I liked them but I do not!.. The many and varied Living Dead teams cant say I like them either.. Gobo's and Halfie's don't appeal to me, nor do Dwarfs.. They are all to short! and to slow!!
I guess if I went picking for Extra Noobish Noob's my teams would fare better LOL
Very much considering enlisting a Chaos Team but I'm not sure yet, I have a few Pact which is a roster I really like but my players hardly have any skills yet.. Guess I'll just have to play some more, then some more and some and bit more, play again and again and again and.. yea lol