White list:
Chainsaw: Hilarious guy and very good sport. Fights to th bitter end... I see the makings of a great coach in him, oh yes I do!
Bacillen: have yet to play him in a game in which he does not trash me. A shining example of fairness and sportmanship. Thumbs up!!!
Black list
because not only he refused a match with ST and TR equal (my Lizardmen vs his Skaven) with the giustification that he didn't want to play teams with STR more than 3 but then he challenged my chaos team with another chaos team with superior ST and TR - and two claws - and called ME a cherrypicker for refusing. (By the way.. not that I have anything against claws..I'll probably get them myself if I get a double on my Chaos Warriors. Also, I'm not above accepting challenges from stronger teams - I actually played against Aequitas' "Intense fear". So hey, rale, what's YOUR excuse?).