Here I'll paste some copies of my games that I found to be funny, I've changed any other Coach names to blu (Unless they specifically said I could keep their name on it):
<blu> Why can't I select my trollslayer??
<Drud> maybe because it's mine?
<blu> Ah - he is YOUR trollslayer
(6, 3) + 2, (6, 6) + 0, 6: Hard Feelings has been KILLED!!
<blu> no hard feelings
<blu> at least not any more :)
<Lander> Another prediction... I lose both vampires to bloodlust IF I move them.
<Drud> hehe
Select an action for Duke Kalli O'Sta
<Drud> that'd be nice actually :)
OFAB Roll (1) - Duke Kalli O'Sta cannot resist the blood lust!
Duke Kalli O'Sta must end his turn next to a thrall or suffer a turnover.
Preciously in the same game, he predicted that 1 thrall out of 2 thralls and 2 vampires would come out of the KO-box. He was right :)
This is in a 2vs2 game, I was hoping for a Blitz! to tie the game (I had 1 guy BH the first turn), then remembered that it wouldn't make a difference, since my guy would be in a TZ:
<Drud> and now a Blitz!
*** Setup end ***
Amras and Amrod
Select a destination square for kick.
Press [CTRL][ENTER] when finished.
Or click the turn counter.
<Drud> nvm
Ball placed at (21, 7)
Kickoff Roll (4+6) = Blitz!
Kick result. Direction: 6 Distance: 2
Kicking team gets a free turn because of BLITZ kickoff result!"
Like Hell I did :S
[12:17] <Drud> is the site down?
[12:17] <Drud> 404 :S
[12:17] * Disconnected
Me having a conversation with GL's bot:
[22:13] <Drud> !tellme should I go to bed now?
[22:13] <Grudgebear> don't bother me with your stupid questions!
[22:13] <Drud> :S
[22:13] <Drud> !tellme really, should I?
[22:13] <Grudgebear> Go ask Nuffle. I am depressed
[22:13] <Drud> ARGH!
[22:13] <Karhumies> =)
[22:13] <Drud> !tellme please?
[22:13] <Grudgebear> no way!
[22:14] <Drud> crap
[22:14] <Karhumies> lol
[22:14] <Drud> !tellme but I'm tired?
[22:14] <Grudgebear> of course!
[22:14] <Drud> !tellme should I go to bed then?
[22:14] <Grudgebear> absolutely
GrudgeLeague also has it's own blocking script:
[19:54] <habeli> Drud, it only took me 3 hours to make a block
[19:54] <habeli> now HIT ME!
[19:54] <habeli> make me bleed!
[19:55] <Drud> !bm habeli
[19:55] <BlockMad> Drud does a risky 1db block against habeli. The result is POW.
[19:55] <BlockMad> Armour roll: (6 + 4) + 0 = 10 Injury roll: (6 + 4) + 0 = 10
[19:55] <BlockMad> habeli is knocked down! The armour (AV 8) is pierced! habeli is badly hurt... and regenerate FAILS!
[19:56] <Drud> No problem mate