I wont play dwarfs, ogre or khemri.
I will not play against cheerypickers twice, I know Im a noob, so you can enjoy your one win agaist me. After that I wont play you again. Ever.
I am a beginner and right now I only play games with people I think either I can learn something from and seem nice or people I might have a decent chance of atleast playing equal with. Does that make me a coward? Then I am a coward.
"Update 12/07-08"
I just got cherrypicked for the last time for awhile. I cant seem to find anyone in academy who plays in academy to learn or teach. They are just looking for an idiot like me that they can win over. How much fun can it be winning over me, a beginner who dont even know the rules yet? Would it not be more satisfying winning over someone that are your equal? I guess not, hope you enjoy that little powerrush.
I have had it, I play games for fun and beeing fooled and having my team (that I spent three hours fixing with images and such) totaly trashed in its second game is not my idea of fun. Im not comming back anytime soon. I know I wont be missed...
Exept by the cherrypickers.
Usefull links:
(Yes I use this cause I am very easily confused and never find what I need)
A very nice and friendly coach ( but I am not good enough to meet him on the pitch yet )
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