News 2015-09-29 : What ? Seriously ? Two weeks passed already ? I play too much… Going for another detox break.
News 2015-09-14 : Wow, summer break took two years. I'm back (at least a bit).
News 2013-07-24 : Finally out of all my leagues/tournament commitments. Time for a summer break. See you in september probably :)
My teams bios use Shraaaag's awesome scripts, thx
Legendary Matches
* 1000th match is a victory versus a friendly bashy team :)
* How to bash the bashers. One of the very few times i cleared a pitch. A chaotic one.
* Probably my worst defeat. I did not play terribly bad, but a few mistakes and solid elves made it to 6-1...
Bragging Corner
* Top CR : 165.7 (2012-11-28)
League Trophies
145 KO Cup LX
BB7s Trophies
None yet.
Ranked Trophies
None yet.
Box Trophies
None yet. A few of Koadah's sprints are mentionned in my teams bios. Yeah, i target niche trophies.
Stunty Leeg Trophies
A wrongly attributed FCC Qualifier (forfeits points not inserted).
My Selfs
I am known as the second all-time oldest halfling to have played in ranked division, thanks to Zed.
A lot of other halflings or beastmen have used my name too, but not many succeeded as much as that one :)
Legendary players (by order of appearance)
* Ascost Pin from Wood Hard As Steel, my 1st Legend ! A MA10-POMB Wardancer. (RIP)
* Yirkral from Jumping Squad, #1 Slann in B, quite a violent killer. (RIP)
* Isithral from Wesnoth Avengers, a dump-off specialist.
* Hirion from Wesnoth Avengers, an AG5 Leap blitzer with a nice set of boring skills.