<b>How to solve the two ball client reload bug<b><br>
reload with .inc
end the turn
reload again with .dat
problem solved
you just can't move the ball carrier before you reload with .dat
<a href="">Black Box Central</a>
<a href="">Black Box Teams</a>
<a href="">Limits</a>
M = move
B = block
Z = blitz
H = Hand-off
P = pass
E = unselect player and/or end player turn
~ = also unselect player and/or end player turn
+ = Scroll long list of skills down. (Only on mouse over).
- = Scroll long list of skills up. (Only on mouse over).
ALT+L = Load team setup.
ALL+S = Save team setup.
ALT+R = View red team (left team) roster.
ALT+B = View blue team (right team) roster.
C = Put the focus into the chat window. (Network games only).
N = Display player numbers on the field icons, until released.
ALT+N = Permanently display players number on the field icons
until the "N" is pressed and released a by itself.
ALT+Q = Concede
ALT+1 = Change Left Foreground Color
ALT+2 = Change Left Background Color
ALT+3 = Change Left Highlight Color
ALT+8 = Change Right Foreground Color
ALT+9 = Change Right Background Color
ALT+0 = Change Right Highlight Color
ALT+M = Open right click menu (should work for systems other than
the Mac where right click is not opening the menu)
ALT+Z = Toggle Mute Sound
ALT+X = Toggle Mute Spectator Emote Sounds
ALT+V = Open Volume control dialog
Difference in Team Ratings / Number
of Rolls
0-10 / 0
11-25 / 1
26-50 / 2
51-75 / 3
76-100 / 4
101+ / 5