Adrian Finklehelm
Chief Adjutant to Lord High Arch Inquisitor Magnus Scipio Drax.
All hail Inquisitor Drax!
My approach to daily life: I pretty much try to stay out of the bosses' way. I do the things around the operation that are needed and look to head off crises' which sometimes is a real challenge when you work for a personality like Drax. He keeps me hopping! :)
My approach to game play: I like to play to win rather than play to damage my opponent. Don't get me wrong -- I'll Mighty Blow with the best of them and opponent attrition is part of the game. I just don't go out on the field with the notion of destroying my opponent. If we both approach the match as a team building opportunity, we might win or lose the match but we'll both be further ahead of a match where you're both looking to crater the opposing team.