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Last seen 33 weeks ago
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<Ro> bbteams TredHead
* TredHed has quit IRC (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client :D)
<Ro> O_O
<Ro> nothing there
* TredHed has joined #Fumbbl
<Ro> Tred whats your coachs nick?
<TredHed> TredHed
<flynn-loki> ro = fale
<Ro> hmm bbteams TredHed
<flynn-loki> FALE
<Ro> bbteams treadhed
<Ro> bah
<flynn-loki> FALE
<Ro> one more attempt
* Plorg points at Ro
* Plorg laughs
<Ro> bbteams TredHed
<Ro> ahh

<Dreadclaw> ow just tell him to f*ck off concede or just carry on
<Dreadclaw> and you wonder why i don't want to play your goblins?
<Dreadclaw> I'm frickin scared to death!

<Thrall> the orcs are close to the flings
* Titans has quit IRC (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Get hot chicks here!)
<pred_dachande> the orcs don't want a match :-)

Peter says to Brian "Wow, your like the Arnold Palmer of Golf"

<ChrisB> And on stalllers, T8 foulers etc, I think we should have their best players shot!
<Thrall> OI, I will submit to having the best player on each of my teams shot if we can shoot all the one turners at the same time.

<Thrall> !8ball am i the best bloodbowler with terrible dice?
<Jasonian> lord
<Nuffle> Thrall: Absolutely!

<On1> farm animals are people too
<shadow46x2-TM> ....
<shadow46x2-TM> no....they're not

<Flynn> enjoying my game?
<Synn-light> very much
<Synn-light> you....complete......me

<CorporateSlave3> Last weekend at the grocery, I saw a book next to all the little checkout line tabloids and recipie books.
<CorporateSlave3> "Living Longer...for dummies"

My White List

Dreadclaw (annoying as hell when hes got the dice rigged but on the rare occasion they are even hes a blast to play ; ))

Wuhan (lots of fun games with Wuhan between my flings and his elfs, always a blood bath, always a ton of fun)

Christer (when hes not being a twit and playing WoW all day)

Trog (Gorilla make the bad fire go 'way. Thump Thump Thump)

paulhicks (he fouls enough, he bashes enough, and one day i hope he learns how to score enough)

Mr-Klipp (the dearly departed, one day he shall return and again have terrible dice for all his days!)

deathgerbil (similar to paul except hes american, whatever that means to you ;)

BunnyPuncher (how can you not like someone who punches bunnies?)

Chickenbrain (always great fun, and just like the rest, hes a fouling fouler)

the_legend (when hes not whining)

RobtheUncreative (because hes spectacularly creative)

Synn (he loves to talk smack and still laughs at bad dice)

tehspooneh (bards are the worst class in DnD, and this guy loves that about himself)

CUSI: RIP, you were loved and are still, may you never be forgotten here on fumbbl
Quick Stats
United States
America/Los_Angeles (UTC-8:00)
Member since
April 25, 2003
Game Statistics
Coach Rating1270
Coach Standing2316
Ranked Games Played1
Active Teams21
Retired Teams157
Total Record708/260/437
Win Percentage60%
Team Averages
Number of Games7.9
TDs Scored Per Game1.7
TDs Allowed Per Game1.3
Cas. Inflicted Per Game2.5
Cas. Taken Per Game2.1
Won Tournaments
  UI II Qualifier: Jade&nbsp;Lantern