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<b>Currently playing exclusively in , and likely will be for some time yet.</b>
[02:06] <Candlejack> if it is against the rules, report it.. otherwise leave it alone
[02:07] <Lycian> thx candlejack
[02:07] <Astarael> We're discussing his method of play
[02:07] <shadow46x2> pro: like i said...i wish i could remember who made that comment that blackbox is going to be a very rude awakening for some coaches ;)
[02:07] <Astarael> Or his method of not playing in this case :)
[02:07] <propuppetmaster> yeah
[02:07] <Candlejack> and Lycian, i sure hope you get reported for that display of whimpness
[02:07] <Lycian> wow astarel
[02:07] <Astarael> \o/
[02:07] <shadow46x2> \o/
[02:07] <Lycian> hahaha
[02:07] <Focus> \o/
[02:07] <shadow46x2> <3 CJ
[02:07] <Astarael> That was pure win
<Alacran> On a serious note, you guys block like runaway trucks coming down the mountain.