The Great Zaganza Says
You are very fat and stupid and persistently wear a ridiculous hat which you should be ashamed of.
Synn is my new master
I used to be at university, studying Mathematics and Calculus. I was unsure about what I would do afterwards, but hoped that when the zombie apocalypse came, I would be deciding who to save.
Please try to contact me for a game through chat. If I'm not there it means one of two things:
1. I have had to leave very suddenly (either connection problem, laptop power failure etc) and so I couldn't log out of GameFinder (this happens very rarely) and I apologise for this inconvenience.
2. Far more likely, I am just about to log into chat. Wait a moment for me. Maybe have a look around the room and try and notice something you hadn't really taken notice of before. Go and find a banana to eat. Run around the house and check how everyone else is doing. If you are in so much of a hurry, then just challenge someone else.
Challenge me with whatever you like, I'm normally pretty easy going about match-ups. I don't accept everything though... :P
I don't play too seriously, but equally I do enjoy winning. If you are better than me, feel free to give me advice on my gameplay, team building etc. I will listen. I may take action based on your advice, but don't be offended if I don't. I play in my own way because I enjoy it. :)
I try to accept any offer that I think is reasonably fair (and looks fun/interesting), and if I make you an offer it is because I think it is fair. Also I may decline an offer that I don't think looks much fun for me. Feel free to make up your own mind about whether this makes me a cherry picker, and if you have any great insight into this feel free to message me with your findings. Or, better still, don't.
I once thought I was the noobiest noob that ever noobed but now I worship PeteW.
My favourite player (of someone else's) so far:
I foul Mummies with -3 assists
Spoony wuv dance!
<forrest_gump|1000> seems hoggy is useful for something afterall though :)
<krytie> he could play on MY team :p
<Hogshine> Hehe
<Hogshine> You can have him!
<Hogshine> Stealing MVPs from the more important players...
<krytie> russo's mother.? everyone already has :D
<Chewie> my god, watching silly and hoggy is like watching those late night phone line adverts or summat
<;@Angie> can we have less of the raping...
* SillyReader soon will be able to "suprise" hoggy in real life anyway
<SillyReader> :{D
* Hogshine is looking forward to it!
<Astarael> You really should be looking backwards
<Hogshine> lol
<Hogshine> Nah, I like the surprise... :P
<SillyReader> that would spoil the suprise
<Gromrilram> shake shake shake.... shakeshakeshake... shake your mooobies... shake your mooooooooooobier
<hungaryray> LOL
* Hogshine shakes hungaryray's moobies
<hungaryray> gromril, you are teh awesome
<hungaryray> hogshine, you are teh sexeh
<;@BowlBot> *** Thriller Princes 0 vs 2 Resivoir Hogs ***
<Hogshine> RESIVOIR HOGS!!!!
<Hogshine> YIPPEEE!!
<shadow46x2> wow
<shadow46x2> ....
<TheSpoonyBard> would be much more clever if he'd spelled 'reservoir' right
<Hogshine> True
<Hogshine> But I'm in that team
<shadow46x2> i've seen some hideous spelling before, but i think that takes the cake
<Hogshine> So watch what you say ;)
<Synn|Pro|Elite> hehhe
<TheSpoonyBard> I'm half tempted to make a team called the reservoir hogs now
<Synn|Pro|Elite> thats a funny one
<TheSpoonyBard> just so it would be spelled right
<Synn|Pro|Elite> please do spoony
<Synn|Pro|Elite> :D
<shadow46x2> i think you should
<shadow46x2> then you can play the resivoir hogs
<shadow46x2> slaughter the team
<shadow46x2> force them to retire
<shadow46x2> and be the one and only...
<shadow46x2> kinda like highlander
<shadow46x2> with just as much suck
<Hogshine> lol
<LicentiousHamster> There can only be one... pig?
<Hogshine> You're not allowed to kill Hogshine on that team tho
<TheSpoonyBard> :/
<Hogshine> Otherwise I'll hunt you down with my halflings
<pigstar-69|ex|pro> me pig
<pigstar-69|ex|pro> yo hog
<Hogshine> Why didn't hogshine do anything in that game?
<pigstar-69|ex|pro> he is rubbish
<Synn|Pro|Elite> cos he sucks
* Hogshine hates Jesus (but only when PeteW's not watching)
<PeteW> Oi!
<Hogshine> aw...
<KingSnakeeyes> busted
* Hogshine runs
<TheSpoonyBard> hey pete!
<TheSpoonyBard> jesus was gay!
<Hogshine> I agree, but if anyone wants to impersonate me, feel free. Just don't get me banned...
*** Ameranth changed nick to ShinyHog
*** shadow46x2 changed nick to Hogshine-
<TheSpoonyBard> you can't be serious
<Synn> i think the context here is important
<Hogshine-> hi i'm hoggy
<Hogshine-> i have an unhealthy obsession with synn's naked bits
<Hogshine> Hi Hoggy
<Hogshine> Oooh, me too!!
<ShinyHog> damn timelimit on nick changes
<Hogshine-> <--
* Hogshine wonders if Hogshine- wants to meet up sometime
<Hogshine-> and i look like harry potter
* @PeteW distributes hoggy's body parts around the field
<;@PeteW> time to feed my daughter!
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