I will not hire a wizard or star players after agreement and i will try to stick to the 4 minutes allocated per turn and usually do. I tend not to foul, but perhaps thats because i play with elves mainly and they don't like getting their boots dirty.
I accept that other coaches like to foul and i recognise it as one potential component of a winning strategy. However i do not understand those who foul in turn 16 or when a game has been decided, i could write a list of people who've done this to me and been rude and abusive but where's the fun in that? The vast majority of coaches on fumbbl i have found to be pleasant, full of banter and play a good friendly enjoyable game. Here's to the good games. = )
A hooded dwarf is actually a very uninteresting leafy plant, and an equally uninteresting name.
Weird conversation....
<Hoodeddwarf> hi
<Kremei2> hi
<Hoodeddwarf> hey, your woodies versus mine??
<Kremei2> let me see them
<Hoodeddwarf> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=239319
<Kremei2> so many blocks sorry
<Hoodeddwarf> dude, you have 7 blocks and i have 6....??
<Kremei2> lol 2 blocks are from runers
<Hoodeddwarf> and 1 of mine is on a runner
<Hoodeddwarf> so 5-5
<Hoodeddwarf> i don't mean to be rude, but really, count them!!
<Hoodeddwarf> would you like to play??
<Kremei2> no got a better game
Name two player types that can have jump up and standfirm as permanent traits?
A sidestep player can be crowded if he's on the sideline and all 5 squares around him are occupied. Can a standfirm player be crowded, and if so, how?
Which big guys don't lose their tackle zone when failing their nega-trait roll?
Which of the lrb races cannot take mighty blow on all their player types?
Which player can have claw and rsc but never mb?