Infamous for my Team Logos, I refuse to run a team that doesn't have a logo I can be proud to display on the pitch.
I foul. Not very well, and not every single turn as my players tend to play better on the pitch not sent to the dugout, but if your wardancer fails a dodge and ends up near an unskilled human, I'm going to kick that elf repeatedly in the face. Hard.
I'm a member of Warseer, and you can usually find me only too happy to discuss Blood Bowl, Warhammer, Mordheim, Necromunda, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Quest and Lord of the Rings (even though the game is evil and its supporters should be burned at the stake). I'm also available to talk about anything randomly from Thundercats to the state of the British Prison System. With me, there is always one thing to remember ...
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time.