<b>Age:</b> 29
<b>Gaming interests:</b>
Frozen Synapse (nick: PoLLeNSKi)
Quakelive (nick: PhlOgistOn)
<b>Other interests:</b>
Music (glitch and electronica predominantly, but anything really)
Film (lots and lots...Kubrick is god)
A long long time ago, but not in a galaxy far far away I was into GW models with a tasty 5000pt Space Wolf/Imperial Guard Army in 40k. I then bought Blood Bowl in the early 90's, learned the rules and painted up the teams in the box as well as a purchased fling team, ready for battle only to find that none of my TT friends wanted to divert away from their Tyranids or Eldar...
...20 short years passed and I discovered Cyanide's take on BB through a dodgy torrent. I played quite a lot against the AI but didn't deem it worthy of the extortionate amount they charge for a game where you have to rebuy it everytime they release extra teams and so I only ever played against the AI...until...while reading about an online BB tourney I got the itch to test my skills against less predictable and more capable opponents.
I'm currently running my usual Amazon team fairly succesfully whilst also having some fun and casual games with Chaos 'flings in the Stunty Leeg. Also since most people are scared of low TV 'zons (except for Dwarves) I started learning Chaos and Skaven to save waiting around for games.
Eventually I intend to have a single team of each race but learning only a couple at a time seems the best way forwards for now.