Just one or two little things :
Same thing, thx to those new stats, if yours look like this : Fouls 2653 1464 1189 4.74 don t expect me to accept the match . I have nothing against foul, but the idiots with poor coaching skills who are trying to compensate like this are not the kind of opponent i wanna play . Except if you are a coach with more than 1/5 of his match with halfs or gobbos .
I have Dps in most of my teams, I am not a big foul adept, but sometimes it can come in handy, if your one turner or killer guy fall in the wrong place :) .
Last thing, I allways put a lot of money in FF, it s not to play people who are not, so if ur team start with fewer FF than me don t expect me to accept the match .
About GF, I mostly accept game, I m not often doing offers . So sometime I can fall asleep, or just wander away for a while, if nothing is coming in . It does not mean that I m snobbing you ;)
A quick list of the funniest offers ever made, because some are worth telling :
<Giom> Hi, ur de for my necros ?
<karolan> Answer s in the main chat (just posted : <karolan> ok, general advice, play my bashy team too guys, if u wanna play my elves :D )
<Giom> ?
<karolan> i m pissed by offers from bashers for my elves, when my bashers at the same tr/ts are not even considered
<Giom> u wanna play ?
<karolan> yeah, my undead for ur darkies lol :D
<karolan> what ?? no answers ?
<karolan> come on, say something, i won t eat u
<Giom> no
<karolan> so don t make offer u won t consider, u elfbowler, and don t disturb bloodbowl players, thx
and now the rest :
number 1 : Spiro, offering 15 amazons vs 11 orcs without tackle and a ts advantage of 45 in his favour .
number 2 : Bucksin, alias Holy-G, a renown picker, who is supposed to try to reach redemption . Try harder man, offering 14 norses vs 11 skavs, with a ts diff of 25 and 6 comps in your favor is not a balance match, especially at tr 130 . Yes, really try harder .
number 3 : costaeurope, for this one
costaeurope-ex-ve-el> hi there
costaeurope-ex-ve-el> wanna play your elf vs my dwarf ?
Karolan> no comments
i had 10 elves, him 14 dwarves, we can understand his CR with this kind of matches, he is really a great coach
BIG BIG THX TO ZED . Thx to him, I'm now one of the best half scorer ever . Gratz for me, gratz for my coach, and I will be back one day :D
that s me : http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=3643070
I know, there s more than 1 or 2 things, but hey, if I can t lie at least a lil bit, I m not myself :D
my stats :
2 Balls bug fix :
1)load .inc
3)end the turn
4)load again .dat
Mon 1er Kick, du a un enf****** de plantigrade .
[14:17] <Karolan> sniff, mon premier kick
[14:17] <Karolan> et j ai meme pas pense a le screener pour ma bio :(
[14:18] <Cinabre> [15:16:11] * Nuffle sets mode: +o Panda_
[14:18] <Cinabre> [15:16:22] * Karolan was kicked by Panda_ (Karolan)
[14:18] <Karolan> merci Cinabre
[14:18] <;@Panda_> :)
Cheers Panda
Funny chat, with a coach in bl, guess why :)
[23:03] <RagingGoblin> hey your woodies vs my norse/
[23:04] <Karolan> phiew, 37 ts difference, are you sure it s not too risky for you ?
[23:05] <RagingGoblin> lol soryr i meant your pro efls
[23:05] <RagingGoblin> **elfs
[23:05] <RagingGoblin> dunno why i said woodies
[23:05] <Karolan> or are you just like a troll, really stupid ?
[23:05] <RagingGoblin> fuck off you cock
[23:06] <Karolan> whatever, don t bother asking, for you the answer will ALLWAYS be no
[23:06] <Karolan> and i m glad you told so ;)
[23:06] <RagingGoblin> ofcourse it was
[23:06] <RagingGoblin> because your a pussy..
[23:06] <Karolan> have fun, lil angel
and if you read his profile it s even funnier, I guess he is a bit frustrated by something, poor lil thing ;)
Coach a ne plus jouer, mais non bl : Fejd, vraiment trop lent pour moi helas