Handy stuff, for me mainly :D
<a href='http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coach&op=development&coach=91859'>Coach Dev Graph</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/help:SkillList">Skills and traits ref</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/help:OTT">OTT guide</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/help:ElfSurvey">Elf Skill Survey</a>
<a href="http://www.midgardbb.com/Tactics/BBTactics.html">BB tactics guides</a>
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<b>Saved for posterity</b>, because I doubt I'll get this lucky for a long long time :D
<Knightskyy> lol
<Knightskyy> O
<Knightskyy> M
<Knightskyy> G
<Leif> :D
<Knightskyy> WOW!!!
<Knightskyy> O.o
<RedGhost> what happend
<Knightskyy> LOL
<Knightskyy> that was freakin awesome
<Knightskyy> 4+ 5+ dodge for a -2D blitz on the chaos warrior on the sideline to knock the ball loose
<koadah> LOL
<Knightskyy> ball went into the crowd, who threw it out to midfield
<Knightskyy> lief picked it up, long pass, handoff score
<RedGhost> lol damn
<Knightskyy> all on turn 8
<RedGhost> nice dude
<Monk_Ironman> damn
<Monk_Ironman> and i missed it
<Knightskyy> that has to be the single coolest play I've ever seen
<Monk_Ironman> i could have /cheered over and over
<Monk_Ironman> grats leif thats pretty amazing
<Adhevan> nice job!
<koadah> Awesome Leif
<Knightskyy> wowo guy
<Leif> :D
<Knightskyy> that was freakin awesome
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=2547314">From this game</a>