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Last seen 9 years ago
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<p align=justify>I love Bloodbowl but aim more for fun than for competitiveness and/or win at all costs. That does mean I decline offers that I don't consider to be fun (generally dwarves or teams built with the intent of wrecking another team). I like to develop my teams and players so I'm not usually well disposed towards teams with a lot of DP/Claw/RSC unless I feel like a TR trim.
I categorize myself as a medium-fast player. I really don't think a game should take two hours.

<b style='font-size: 1.2 em;'>Current Goals</b>
With the introduction of the Awards in August 06, I've decided to try for a Fanatic Player Award for each of the Bloodbowl races. No particular reason other than it gives me something to aim for. It'll also force me to coach a number of races I would normally avoid (Dwarves, Khemri, Chaos etc). When the Awards were introduced I had awards only for Dark Elves (my serious favourite) and Ogres (my fluff favourite).

Achieved thus far

<table style='border: solid 1px black; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-size: 1 em;' border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr style='background: #000000; color: white;'><th width=10%>Race</th><th width=10%>Achieved</th><th width=80%>Comments</th></tr> <tr valign=top class=odd><td>Dark Elves</td><td>19/9/05</td><td align=left>My favourite and (probably) my most successful. I love AG4 (in all teams) and AV8 gives them some longevity. A hard race to master, especially early.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=even><td>Ogres</td><td>20/2/06</td><td align=left>I love these guys, mostly cause I love TTM and trolls are not good at it. Ogres are over-rated as a team though. Sure they're scary with all that mighty blow but they are also very inconsistent and always will be without block. Playing against Dwarves with Ogres is no fun!</td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd><td>Orcs</td><td>20/8/06</td><td align=left>Don't really like Orcs. While they're tough and have been one of the few teams so far where I actually had some spare cash, they're not me. I struggle to score with them and struggle to bash with them.</tr><tr valign=top class=even><td>Elves</td><td>1/9/06</td><td align=left>After a tough start (had to retire one team) I was starting to get the hang of them in the end retiring one team with a 10/3/3 record. Love the catchers and blitzers but dang, they left the field in droves! </td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd><td>High Elves</td><td>13/9/06</td><td>Finished with a 19/7/7 record, they remind me a lot of DE's but the catchers give you effectively 6 blitzers once they get skilled. I had difficulty with their passing game but will have to try them again at some point as they have lots of potential</td></tr><tr valign=top class=even> <td>Lizardmen</td><td>23/09/06</td><td>A 13/3/3 record. I think I just got lucky. While 7 ST4 or more players is great it took ages to skill the saurus, and until I did they just weren't that effective. Definitely not a bashy team but curiously enough, was hard to get games with them.</td><tr valign=top class=odd> <td>Humans</td><td>26/10/06</td><td>I went 10/7/4 with them. Didn't love them, didn't hate them either. At least they were cheap and could bash a bit at lower TR with 4 Blitzers with strength access. Never got them past around TR180 though.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=even> <td>Undead</td><td>15/12/06</td><td>These guys were a LOT better than I gave them credit for. I went 29/14/7 with them. Maybe it was the total disregard for their safety - regen and no apo - that made them so successful. They certainly bash well but I think I didn't use the Ghouls to their fullest effect.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd> <td>Wood Elves</td><td>30/12/06</td><td>Hate them and love them. Surprisingly the one team I played didn't lose many players (picking helped of course) but they were frustrating as heck. Promised a lot but they rolled a lot of snake-eyes. And of course everyone wanted to foul the WD's.</td></tr>><tr valign=top class=even><td>Chaos Dwarves</td><td>07/02/07</td><td>While I managed a 50% winning record with them (19/9/8) I don't think I play them well. I like the variety they give but I never got a single game offer for them. It seems like only bashers are prepared to play against them so they were a lot more one-dimensional than I'd hoped for. Not likely to go back to them for that reason.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd> <td>Halflings</td><td>25/02/07</td><td>They were reasonably competitive under TR150 but struggled after that when more teams had block etc. I managed a respecatable 19/5/11 although to be fair I avoided teams with lots of block/tackle. Ogres and Vamps, provided they don't get an excessive number of POWs, proved to be easy games.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=even> <td>Necromantic</td><td>31/3/07</td><td>Don't like them. 23/14/13 game result was ok but the fleshies took forever to skill (worse than BOB's) and the whole team bashes far worse than undead. Surprisingly in 50 games, the wolves only picked up two niggles. Like undead I don't think I used the Ghouls the way they maybe should be.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd> <td>Skaven</td><td>13/4/07</td><td>I ended up disliking these guys quite a lot because they just wouldn't stay on the pitch. I seemed to go through one of those unlucky sequences that come along every so often which didn't help. I spent 1/2 the games trying to recover one of the teams so was always playing shorthanded. At one stage I'd taken 12 RIPs in 13 games across both teams and 1 team averaged 3.5 cas against per game. I didn't get any interesting mutations to make up for it. Shame really 'cause they were my tabletop favourite.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=even> <td>Vampires</td><td>24/05/2007</td><td>Absolutely awful! The worst, most frustrating race ever. Couldn't wait to get the games over with. I doubt I'd ever play them again.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd> <td>Rotters</td><td>13/07/2007</td><td>I actually quite enjoyed Rotters. The Beast is great fun but in 50 games, they never did make me a rotter. My Rotters tended to die often. They bashed quite well for some reason tho I didn't choose many hurting skills. Might play them again.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=even> <td>Norse</td><td>15/08/2007</td><td>These guys are just dumb good at low TR. They're not much of a challenge except for keeping them on the field. But they are so cheap that having to replace players isn't much of a problem either. I'm unlikely to retain a Norse team I suspect.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd> <td>Goblins</td><td>15/09/2007</td><td>I rather like Goblins and managed a 50/50 record with them despite my reluctance to foul which seems to be a primary tactic among many other Goblin teams. 24 RIPs in 33 games with one team did seem a bit excessive though :)</td></tr>><tr valign=top class=even> <td>Chaos</td><td>01/11/2007</td><td>Were OK. I didn't make mine very bashy but all too easy to go that route. Hardest part is skills choices - so many on a double. </td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd> <td>Amazons</td><td>15/12/2007</td><td>Were just dumb good. I didn't enjoy playing them. The died easily (22 RIPs in 50 games) but rebuild quickly. Mine didn't bash well; certainly when I've played against them they've seemed very bashy. I don't think I would play them again.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=even> <td>Dwarves</td><td>08//01/08</td><td>Thank Nuffle thats over! They weren't as tough for me as they seem to be for others. Two of my teams had negative cas differences. There really *are* boring.</td></tr><tr valign=top class=odd> <td>And Finally</td><td>Khemri</td><td>More bashing</td></tr></table> </p>
Proud member of SWL - <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=647">The Southen Wastes League</a> (Australian/New Zealand League).

A wee limerick I wrote http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coachinfo&coach=34624

To get team rankings http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=teams&group=&race=13&order=5&nav=1

Where race = 0 all, 1 Amazon, 2 Chaos, 3 Chaos Dwarf, 4 Dark Elf, 5 Dwarf, 6 Goblin, 7 Halfling, 8 High Elf, 9 Human, 10 Lizardman, 11 Norse, 12 Orc, 13 Skaven, 14 Undead, 15 Wood Elf, 16 Khemri, 17 Necromantic, 18 Vampire, 19 Rotters

Where order= the column numbers

To get my history vs other opponents http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=coachopp&coach=19094

Quick Stats
Auckland, New Zealand
Australia/Sydney (UTC+11:00)
Member since
February 2, 2005
Game Statistics
Coach Rating0
Coach StandingN/A
Ranked Games Played
Active Teams40
Retired Teams76
Total Record758/414/593
Win Percentage55%
Team Averages
Number of Games15.2
TDs Scored Per Game1.5
TDs Allowed Per Game1.3
Cas. Inflicted Per Game1.9
Cas. Taken Per Game2
Won Tournaments