Join the M.M.U. (Macavity Mangling Union): Simply indicate that you would like to apply when arranging to play a game with me. I will be the sole judge. To qualify, you must trounce me in a game (minimum +2 TD) and leave many dead or Injured. Should you qualify, you will be notified, listed here, and permitted to note it in your coach Bio. Should you apply and fail 3 times, you will be forbidden to ever qualify!
Members: Plorg
Honorary Members: PaulHicks
Coolest thing said about me: "and on a side note, no mortal can keep up with Macavity. I was able to eat an ENTIRE bag of goldfish crackers (some 350 in a bag) ONE by ONE per post I read by Macavity...and they never went stale." (By Arktoris)
Things said about me/ I've been called:
The King of Fumbbl folk music
Poll King
Internet Superstar
DreadClaw groupie
Macavity = sustenance
Mighty Leader of the forums
Curro's clone
SEE! The Truth is unveiled! Macavity is taking over peoples bodies! Macavity is EVIL! Burn him! before we all become Macavity! (This said by Dreadclaw, note inaccuracy of me being called his groupie)
I think being Macavity is a frame of mind
Macavity The Seer
Canadian God of Spamming
One day I hope to be as renowned on fumbbl as Macavity
I vote to lynch Macavity
YAY! Stomp Macavity!
The exception proves the rule , and macavity is always the exception
Flying Mongoose
Fumbbl isn't about winning or losing, playing fair or cherrypicking... it's about boosting Macavity's ego...
Forum Master of the Universe
<Arktoris> Nuffle is the god of bloodbowl, but Macavity is the god of fumbbl
But let's be real: who cares about nominations if Mac is there? No chance to win anyway.
I've been on FUMBBL a year and a half, and that was my first sighting. I've even answered "Macavity" in polls without having met the fellow.
Macavity never speaks English, it is just that he speaks a universal alnguage which our brains usually translate into English so as not to blind us with his wisdom.
From Woodstock at me: We both know you are far more important then anything that happens on or with fumbbl.
I love it when Macavity and Spiro are posting in the same thread. It makes my day
all i want is to get into Macavities coach bio, so I can put it on my CV/resume (whatever people call it) so when I show it to prospective employers they can bask in the glory that I have been recognised by Macavity... Two slow and grinding years have seen me provide memorable quotes to please the fishy one, but all my toil has been in vain! Maybe it means Macavity himself thinks I am not worthy of such an accolade? Time will tell!
My personal Slogan (according to the Sloganizer): «Macavity is what the world was waiting for.»
Places I received birthday greetings from on my Champagne birthday:
outside of NYC, USA
Lavino di Mezzo, Bologna, Italy
Hillsborough, Sheffield, England
Copenhagen, Denmark
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Leicester, UK
Loughborough, England
Shetland, UK
Maine, USA
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Cwmbran, Wales
Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, UK
Bath, England
Nottingham, UK
Marburg, Germany
Brussels, Belgium
Chesterfield, England
Ulbeek, Belgium
Vienna, Austria
Washington DC, US
Helsinki, Finland
Isle of Wight, UK
Orkney, Scotland
Lahti, Finland
FT Hood, Texas, US
San Francisco, CA, US
Stockholm, Sweden
Columbus, Ohio, US
Gothenburg, Sweden
Northern Iowa, USA
Nottingham, England
Odense, Denmark
Genova, Italy
Wrocław, Poland
Valladolid, Spain
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Auckland, New Zealand
Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Hannover, Germany
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain
Montréal, Canada
Paderborn, Germany
Lake Cowichan, BC, Canada
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Adelaide, Australia
Melton, Australia
Fairfax, Virginia, US
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Lake Munmorah, New South Wales, Australia
Grimsby, England
Oslo, Norway
Northern California, US
Rautalampi, Finland
Budapest, Hungary
Players named after me!
BUY 1593621000
The following is a points assignment system to determine how nerdy a particular game is. Obviously intended primarily for humour, I would appreciate people testing our games on it and seeing if the results "make sense". We intuitively know that Magic the Gathering is nerdier than Parcheesi, I would appreciate being notified of discrepancies so I can add items, or modify values to make it as accurate as possible. So pick your game and add points for the following (no negatives if below minimum where present).
Over an hour to play on average? 1 point for each half-hour over.
Number of physical components? 1 point for each after the first three
Board (counts as 2 if created during play by tiles)
Pieces (any playing pieces)
Dice (+1 for each non-six-sided type, +2 for each type with game unique symbols)
Money (coins, bills, poker chips)
Charts +1 for each(anything consulted for results during play, having them memorized does not make the game less nerdy, it makes you nerdier!)
Pen and Paper (if used to record anything other than score)
Setting? pick one
non-specific= no points
historical= +5
Fantasy/Sci-Fi*= +10
add if
Based on pre-existing movie/book/tv show= +5
Board attempts to be accurate map of setting= 1
*Includes superheroes and horror
"The Blood Bowl pitch is a lot like the jungle, girls. Things can jump out and grab you, and though you can fight them off, it's simpler in the end to dodge around them. Stay free, be quick, and win!"
-(name needed), Amazon Blitzer
"Though our gods' minions are many, the successful Chaos coach must encourage as many of his players as possible to accept the favour of the gods. The demonic claws, legs, and tentacles they gain will only aid you in added further opponents to the sacrificial altar."
-Vnz'Lembardee, Keeper of the Secrets of Bloodbowl
"Hold close to your brother dwarves, allow the blessed Bull Centaurs of Hashut their glory, and use the slaves for anything dis-tasteful or dangerous."
-Pre-Game speech of virtually every Chaos Dwarf team in history.
"Make your opponents bleed as you mesmerize the bloating corpses of your complicated plans of victory in decay of joy in plague secret pain love Monsters QWjkkkggghk!!!"
-First and final prophecy of the oracle of the Pact of Chaos gods (his head then exploded, spewing purple blood which blossomed into poisonous mushrooms)
"The lesser races try to keep up, but your inherent superiority should keep the ball well away from them at all times. If any opposing players seem troublesome, slip a dagger 'tween their ribs. Remember, stay out of the witches' way and cheerleaders make great slaves!"
-(name with k's and short vowel sounds) Naggaroth Nightmares Runner
"If one of your brothers has the ball, form up and hit anyone who comes close. If the enemy has the ball, hit them. If the one with the ball is too far away, hit the nearest one. By half-time their shouldn't be more than half of them standing, or the lot of you will need be slayers to regain your honour!"
-(dwarf name) Barak Varr Brawlers coach