My CR development
Record vs different coaches
My ranked/blackbox tournament record (lrb 4/crp):
Warpstone Open II: : lost in 1st round,
Fumbbl Cup X: lost in 6th round,
Fumbbl Cup XI: lost in 1st round,
Wheel of Chaos IV: won,
Black Cup V: lost in 4th round,
Fumbbl Cup XII: lost in 5th round,
Fumbbl Cup XIV: lost in a 6th round,
Black Cup VIII: lost in 1st round,
XFL Masters 2016: won,
Fumbbl Cup XV: lost in a 2nd round,
Fumbbl Cup XVI: lost in 3rd round,
WO XIII: lost in 2nd round,
UI XIV: lost in 2nd round,
CoS X: won,
Majors qualifiers:
WO II : won,
UI III : lost in 2nd round,
UI IV : lost in 2nd round,
GLT IV : lost in final,
WO IV : lost in 1st round,
LC III lost in 1st round,
UI X: lost in 1st round,
UI VII: lost in semifinal,
GLT VII: lost in final,
WO VIII: lost in 1st round,
CoS IV: lost in 3rd round,
UI IX: lost in semifinal,
WoC IV: won,
GLT IX: lost in 1st round,
LC VII: lost in 2nd round,
WO IX: lost in 2nd round,
WO X: lost in 3rd round,
UI XI: lost in 2nd round,
GLT XI: lost in a final,
LC IX: lost in 2nd round,
WO XI: lost in 3rd round,
CoS VII: lost in 3rd round,
UI XII: lost in 2nd round,
WoC VII: : lost in 2nd round,
LC X: lost in 2nd round,
WO XII: lost in 2nd round,
CoS VIII: lost in 2nd round,
UI XIII: lost in 1st round,
GLT XIII: lost in 1st round,
LC XI: lost in final,
WO XIII: won,
UI XIV: won,
CoS X: won,
some (for some reason i forgot to list them here and cant remeber now what i have played before)
VI: lost in semifinal,
VIII: lost in semifinal,
IX: lost in 3rd round,
X: lost in 3rd round,
X: lost in a final,
X: lost in 3rd round,
Masters X: => majors
XI: lost in final,
XII: won,
TR 125: lost in final, lost in 4th round,
TR 150: won, lost in 1st round,
TR 175: won,
TR 175: lost in final,
TR 175: eliminated in 3rd round (draw no ot),
TR 200: lost in 3rd round,
TR 160: lost in 1st round,
TW 130: lost in a final,
TW 160: lost in 3rd round,
TW 190: lost in 3rd round,
TW 160: lost in 1st round,
TW 130: lost in 2nd round,
TW 160: lost in 1st round,
TW 190: won,
TW 190: lost,
BlackBox Minors:
TR 129: lost in 2nd round,
TV 183: lost in 2nd round,
TV 124: lost in 2nd round,
TV 167: won,
TV 188: lost in 1st round,
TV 198: lost in a 1st round,
TV 160: lost in 2nd round,
TV 148: lost in 4th round,
TV 155: lost in 2nd round,
TV 159: lost in 2nd round,
Fumbbl Tours:
TR 150: lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round,
TR 175: lost in 2nd round,
TR 200: lost in 1st round, lost in a final,
/(changed to tw 0-1300)/
lost in 1st round, won, lost in 1st round,
lost in 2nd round, lost in final, lost in 2nd round, won, lost in 1st round, lost in final, lost in a final, / lost in final, lost in a final, lost in semifinal, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round, won, /(changed to tw 1301-1600)/ lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, won, lost in a final,
won, lost in 2nd round, lost in 2nd round, lost in final, lost in 1st round, lost in final, lost in 1st round, lost in final, lost in 2nd round, won, : lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, won, lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, / lost in final, lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round,
lost in final, won, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round, won, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round, won, lost in 1st round, won, / lost in 2nd round, won, lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round, won, lost in a final, lost in a final,/(changed to tw 1601-1900)/ lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, lost in 1st round, (Brawl edition) won, won,
lost in 2nd round, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round,/ lost in 2nd round, lost in 2nd round, lost in 1st round,/(changed to tw 1901+)/ won,
Brawl Smacks:
lost 1st round, lost 1st round, lost 2nd round, lost in a 1st round, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round,
Black Box Brawls: won, lost in a final, lost in a final, won, winners edition won,
lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, lost in a final, won, lost in 2nd round, won, winners edition won,
BAR Brawls lo: won, won, lost in 2nd round,/hi:
won, lost in 3rd round, lost in 1st round, / lost in 3rd round, won, lost in 1st round, lost in 1st round, lost in 2nd round, lost in 3rd round lost in a final, lost in 1st round,
Player Icons