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I like...
* chatting while playing
* hilarious outcomes
* using sound tactics
* the look of LRB5
Usually I decline to play Amazons, because they kind of mess up the game mechanics in LRB4, and I'm not much for playing against Khemri either simply because they can make for boring matches.
Whatever I do to remember, I keep forgetting to foul. And I'm soft-hearted as well. Take any fouls from me as a compliment. I appreciate if you foul my players and usually find it funny when they die.
If you want to play some real BB in Stockholm, we're a couple of coaches playing from time to time. Just PM me.
The win I've been most happy with so far: My Colonial War Criminals somehow managed to turn <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1863554">this match</a> around in the semi of Pacifist Clash II, despite a start so brutal all seemed hopeless. Nuffles ways are fickle!
I am the cherry. With a high CR, many coaches who want to increase their own CR seem to avoid you. Actually, it would be more rational to do the opposite. If there is a difference at all between my coaching skills at CR180 and that of a CR165 coach, it is marginal at best. You get good CR-odds playing my teams, and I am not really better than any other experienced coach.
Linux: Alt-M for the menu - though it doesn't always work.