I am one of the oldest coaches on Fumbbl, the 97th to join. (if you count there are several unused coach numbers before me) I am currently tying to play games with all coaches who predate me on this site. There is still a large list of coaches to go through and most have since abandoned this fair site. However you old timers (and you know who you are) I will be contacting you shortly to ensure I've played all the legends here.
I am a die hard fan that has become hopelessly addicted to this site. I think I will need someone to take my computer away from me to get me off of this insane place.
I typically avoid playing teams with dirty players, I will not use one myself and as such I tend to refuse games with people who do. I've no problem if a player dies from a block and you gain SPP's for it, but fouling to watch another team die is lame.