21:32] <Muford> he was reading something :p
[21:33] <;@Aenir> sure
[21:33] <;@Aenir> :)
[21:33] <Muford> i dont know who taught him how to read though
[21:33] <Muford> i sure as hell didnt
[21:33] <Muford> i make sure my bitches dont know how to read :P
[21:33] <;@Aenir> lol
[21:33] <;@Aenir> what about russo?
[21:33] <Muford> russo cant read, he sheeps
[16:46] <Russo> yes had to retire the humnas
[16:47] <Russo> just bought an pogre too
[16:47] <Russo> :P
[16:47] <Russo> ogre
[16:47] <Muford> pogre?
[16:47] <Muford> lol
[16:47] <Muford> the NEW ogre!
[16:48] <Russo> aye Pogre is whats produced when Jeffro eats too much at the All you Can Eat Buffert and then goes for a poo
[16:48] <Russo> the mighty Pogre is born
[16:48] <Muford> lol :P
[16:49] <;@Kryten> ew :P