Hadn't played Blood Bowl for many years when I came across this site. Basically my lack of skills have come from playing and getting beat a lot on FUMBBL.
I try to be good sport when you kill my best players, I hope you will be the same...
And yes, everyone likes to kill a freak player!
By the way I have become a passionate human coach and watch way too many games with humans (especially high ranked ones). I look forward to the day a human coach will win a major.
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=blog&coach=2274">One Turner</a>
M = move
B = block
Z = blitz
H = hand-off
P = pass
G = gfi
F = foul
E = unselect player and/or end player turn
~ = also unselect player and/or end player turn
+ = Scroll long list of skills down. (Only on mouse over).
- = Scroll long list of skills up. (Only on mouse over).
***Mac Only*** shortcut keys since the right click menu doesn't work:
L = Load team setup
S = Save Team Setup
Q = Concede
A = Open right click menu
NOTE: Case matters on the above, so if caps lock is off you will need to hold down SHIFT and hit the letter.
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=7190">Knut_Rockie and Ryanfitz' art for new client</a>