<b>Language spoken:</b>
1- Francais
2- English
I am a french Canadian currently living in Chicago.
I work currently as a software engineer..
I have limited time to play but I enjoy every game that I play and try to makes it a pleasant time for me and my opponent!
I usally don't mind about loosing, seeing there a good time to learn from my mistake and the good moves of my opponent.
See ya on the pitch!
View on some bloodbowl topics:
<b>Crowd Push:</b>
I am a compulsive crowd pusher. I lost some <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2445123">wonderful</a> <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2136021">players</a> to the crowd. I only have myself to blames for those loss. So, I won't be feeling bad when you get angry because your player got stunned when he landed in the crowd. And it seems that while my players are always injuried when landing in the crowd, my opponent players got stunned or KO'ed. Though customers that crowd. I still try to do my best to send them a lot of the blood bowl players they are so found of.
When I came into Fummbl, I was a total newbie with somethings like 10 games played in total. And that was when Death Zone was new I think. I didn't knew what IGMEOY was and I was fouling every turn, not knowing why my players got ejected and why the opponent was pissed off. So, I stopped fouling and was not getting any dirty player on my rosters. I was loosing game because I let my opponent best player do whetever they felt like doing. So I discovered chirurgical fouling and loved it. Makes every fouls count! Don't foul for nothing, but makes sure that the rewards is worth the risk. So, to summarize it, I foul from times to times!