OMG OMG OMG There is Blood Bowl online??!??! SQQUUUEEEELLL!!
So those were the first words i uttered in a girlie high pitched voice (much like most Wood Elf coaches talk in real life) once i found out about FUMBBL. The next few words i spoke are unrepeatable as i lost my first game after a pass was intercepted by a norseman surrounded by orcs but thats another bitch session!!!
I have decided to incorporate a running storyline behind most of my original teams (Orcs, Dwarfs, Gobbos, Ogres and Skaven) which stems from a mighty battle fought in the World Edge Mountains. You would need to read all the team profiles to get the full story (bias included as per whos telling the story of course!) so i hope you find it entertaining... if not... BUGGER OFF YA SOGGY GIT!!