Highest rating 171.37 (20.07.2007)
31st of July 2005: I changed my country setting to my favourite country. Even though I've only lived there temporarily, I intend to go back to beautiful Canada one day. Mostly I did this to avoid the whole "Hey, I don't speak english, but since you're from XXX as well, why don't we speak XXX?" crowd, though.
12th of October 2006: Since I came to the UK in April 2006 and am going to stay till 2010, I thought I might as well change the location to reflect that.
Favourite Coaches of mine:
Pac: Going by his forum posts a hillarious dude. 30.06.2008 Pac is persistent in giving helpful advice in the forums, showing great amounts of patience - With some of the silly questions around, I'd have snapped and fired off a volley of snarky remarks already. Hats off to the continued effort of helping people out in a useful and polite way!
Macavity: Canadian God of Spamming.
Nemeton: One of the few people, who actually reviewed his blacklist and lifted me from it - while I'm proud of my collection of blacklistings and it feels like a medal was taken from me, I also have to acknowledge that it is very rare for people to change their mind. This deserves some accolades and for what it's worth, I am very impressed.
Paulhicks: Definitely the cool person to play on here. He's pretty much the only guy who could rip my team to shreds and I just couldn't be mad at him for it. Those matches were always great fun.
Emphasy: For having this love-hate appreciation of my crowd pushing fixation.
I am on the following blacklists: Deiviz, Bluedeathstrike, neander, seraphius, rostern