Love the STUNTYS, have converted a Cheaters team and a Squig team in real life.
They might not win games, but funny as sh*t when they do.
This game is nothing but rigged BS. Play me for easy wins cause i forgot to download the fking WIN generator.
I play for fun so do not be surprised if I turn down a game becuase I do not find playing RSC, Claw, MB loaded or 3+ DP games entertaining. Everyone is welcome to play how they like just do not ask me to like how you play in this case.
Vs Firewolf 1/1/2
Vs ghugo 0/1/0
Vs Dez 3/3/10
Ranked = 9/2/5
Stunty = 2/4/6
Unranked = 3/1/3
<b>Toss Award</b>
Winning game and still thinks fun to foul, LOSER.
aleksander - plays noobs and loves to team kill, specially on T16 - L O S E R
Ingtar - whinging whineing baby (and he won)
<b>**Past Teams of Importance**</b>
<table border="1"><tr><td><center><b>Garden Type</b></td><td><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a><td><center>Gnome 0/1/3</td><td>122/78</a> </td></tr>