Beast Coach Rank: 180.5
Beast Coach standing: 10
000-005 (00) Rookie
006-015 (01) Experienced
016-030 (02) Veteran
031-050 (03) Emerging Star
051-075 (04) Star Player
076-125 (05) Super-Star
126-175 (06) Mega-Star
176-XXX (07) Legend
0-10 -
11-25 One
26-50 Two
51-75 Three
76-100 Four
101+ Five
Rookie: TR 0-100
Experienced: TR 101-125
Veteran: TR 126-150
Pro: TR 151-175
Elite: TR 176-200
Legend: TR 201+
1 - Fizzle! A flaw renders the rune useless!
2 - Rune of Speed. Gain +1 MA and Sprint.
3 - Rune of Might. Gain +1 ST.
4 - Rune of Dexterity. Gain +1 AG.
5 - Rune of Stone. Gain +1 AV and Stand Firm.
6 - Rune of Courage. Gain Dauntless and Frenzy.
How to solve the 'two-ball' client bug:
> reload with .inc
> sync
> end the turn
> reload again with .dat
> problem solved
> you just can't move the ball carrier before you reload with .dat
due to the two ball issue caused by the sync