Hi! This is a picture of me in front of my own shrine of Nuffle in my backyard. It's build by a bunch of Skyre Slaves I keep locked up in my cupboard. I worship there every day and do an occasional sacrifice now and then. Hail Nuffle!
I used to play all sorts of RPGs (DSA (German), Earthdawn, Shadowrun, Warhammer), but since this is even more time consuming then BB, I rarly do now. I can recommend Fading Suns to anybody who is interested in far future SciFi , an easy set of rules with a very nice background. Recently, we started the Doomstones Campaign (Warhammer). See how far we get...
Edit 07/2008: Boy, 3 years on fumbbl now, time flies. I took a break from playing when my son was born. Now that he is 9 months old I'm playing an occasional game now and then (trying not to fall back into my addiction again).
<br><br>Real life buddies online: Redhammer_the_Old; spacemanblue
Notes to Self:
The port needed to spectate games is the same for the game +5 (If I´m playing at port 8081, you can spectate me in 8086). Of course, you have to put the same proxy and server. Or go to the Games page ( http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=games ) and click on "spectate" the game you want to watch.
> reload with .inc
> sync
> end the turn
> reload again with .dat
> problem solved
> you just can't move the ball carrier before you reload with .dat due to the two ball issue caused by the sync