Foul (and use dirty players) in ranked if it benefits me.
Stall if it is the best tactic to use.
Foul in League tourneys if neccessary.
I'll also probably whinge if that new team
I've spent a half hour coming up with good
names and a team bio for gets torn to bits
and forced into retirement in their first
game, otherwise I'll probably enjoy the carnage :p
Foul for no reason i.e. T16 silliness.
Foul in a League friendly unless you do it first
or there is an immediate scoring chance.
I'm not fond of DP being used in
friendly league matches (intended for team
SP Rolls:
0-5 Rookie
6-15 Experienced
16-30 Veteran
31-50 Emerging Star
51-75 Star Player
76-125 Super-Star
126-175 Mega-Star
176+ Legend
Handicaps: 11-25, 26-50, 51- 75, 76-100, 100+