I'm a 25-year old BB player who's been playing since 3rd edition rules came out. I like the real deal (better) but I think FUMMBL is fun, fast and easy, which is why I'm here(!).
I'm living in Belgium since I moved from Sweden. "Why?" is the question I often get; well, I thought I'd come and get drunk with all the beer that's flowing around here AND of course play some (bad) BB while doing it. Of course that's NOT the reason why I moved...
Remember folks, enjoy the game! That's the most important factor to BB.
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/~PhrollikK">PhrollikK</a> is my (older) brother.
<IMG SRC="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=statimage&blockold=1&coach=37347" ALT="RawMessiah's Rating">