Ovis - The Perfect Larson Beastman - only Bestman to have achieved one so far

Bartholomaeus der Mönch his first ranked Larson to date, who performed this might feat in this match against Super Rats
Fechter Feinfühlig his second ranked Larson to date, who performed this might darki-elven feat in this matchmatch against Shattered Scales
Lorentzimyhis best player with 185spp - his firstLEGEND - the poor little thing was niggled on his final two skill rolls and should now make space for a more promising young rat - much to the dismay of a million vermin fan - he did score the only skaven touchdown and was voted MVP in his 50th and final game*Ignacio Iluminus - the second LEGEND, first 100+ completions thrower, currently 1st on the active human list of passersDaled Darlkeson as high as 7th but currently 10th on active list of Dwarves for MVP's - Darlekson is petioning for more games
Suffering from:Larsonitis or commonly know as Larson fever - ever since poor Ovis has actually achieved one (and nearly a double Larson at that) I am even more hopeful that any odd Int will turn into a Larson
Most fluffed up team:Catastraphonic CarnicalFrequent comments:Doppel-Doppel-Schädel **Gerechtigkeit ***Das ist doch zum Weinen 'Sorry about the RIP ''No - I am an idiot '''* please always be nice to my poor little rats** Double - Double Skulls*** Justice!' That is to cry for'' generally I am genuinely sorry for a RIP''' True most of the timeCoaching rating development: