<spiro> but i think u have big luck like space
<Darkwolf> i thought you were tied up in the special olympics astarael?
<Darkwolf> thanks, ash
<Astarael> Darkwolf, sod off
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<Darkwolf> yes, you are special astarael
<Darkwolf> dont u let noone tell u otherwise
<shadow46x2> god i'm going to be rich one day, when i invent a way to stab people in the fucking face through the internet
<manbush> ok fuckers, got a booty call :)
<manbush> see yas later on :)
<shadow46x2> mom called early?
<manbush> yeah shadow, your mom did call
<manbush> get ready to call me dad real soon
<manbush> :)
<shadow46x2> LOL
<paulhicks> i wouldnt say lover.... hes just a guy who shits in my mouth while i beat myself like a prisoner of war