The dice hate me because they ain't me. Constantly losing players because they stay trippin. Nuffle's Most Hated Disciple
Triple Skulls
These are my best teams in name and ranking
- Erebor Salt Kings
- Rutoh Village Skirmishers
- New York Pizza Rats
- Whole Kernal Khorne
- Good Lake Slackers
- Ratty, Goblin, Bang Bang
- Erebor Salt Kings
- Rutoh Village Skirmishers
- New York Pizza Rats
- Whole Kernal Khorne
- Good Lake Slackers
- Ratty, Goblin, Bang Bang
These games chaffed my cheeks
- Truly Random Chaos vs. Return of the Grail Grabbers
- Lonely Mountain Dwarves vs. Shook After Dark
- Truly Random Chaos vs. Return of the Grail Grabbers
- Lonely Mountain Dwarves vs. Shook After Dark