I dont use PM for finding games, if you want to play me use mIRC, thanks.
<XXXXX> you really should report him for this... hes gone way beyond whining, into abusive
<XXXXX> best part is, hes really playing badly, and blaming it all on the dice...
<Shimin|vet> naah, its ok :o) i kinda pushed him to play badly :o)
This is added only for the benefit of those ppl being easily provoked. I might just provoke you, so if you cant handle dont play me. (no i didnt report the poor guy... A decent coach at best, and he simply didnt have any luck in the game, so i kind of felt sorry for him)
JanMattys wrote it nice, so i will keep to his wording:
My attitude towards the most discussed tactics here at Fumbbl:
#1 Fouling: I will do anything to win. Fouling is an effective way to remove opposition and dangerous players, and when used with salt is a powerful tool to achieve a win. I am not a compulsory fouler, though, and won't foul "just 'cuz".
#2 Crowdpushing: see above: I will do anything to win, and a crowdpush means one player less for the drive, i.e. a big advantage. So yes, I will crowdpush your players if you give me the chance. You dance on the edge, I push you out, as simple as that. Careful positioning can prevent crowdpushes, so if crowdpushes happen and you get hurt it's your fault, not mine.
#3 Stalling: see above: I will do anything to win. If some turns of stalling are more likely to give me the win than an early score, I will stall. Don't blame me: careful positioning can prevent stalling, so if stalling happens it's because of your bad defence. Obviously, I do not whine if my opponent stalls, because I know I deserve it.
One addon in general though.
In order to protect any players, i may foul DP's and clw, rsc, mb or any combo of those.
In order to get my 2 cas pr. game (FF) i WILL foul in T16 if there is the slightest chance that it will get me my 2nd cas for the ff.