So, I think it's time for a little piece of information.
I'll play this game for everyting there is, I don't whine if somebody fouls me or stall against an much more agile team of me. And I do foul, if I think its necessary to win or in a league where it seems important for the next game and I can foul an important player. Besides that, fouling for the sake of fouling is bulls***. 'nuff said.
i'im playing Tabletop in a league in cologne for just 1 and a half years now, and my norse keep being beaten to a bloody pulp all to often. But hey, thats the game. I'm in this for the fun and the laughter, even if the joke is on me.
Cheers mates and keep on playing
One more thing, if you are not in the chat, don`t bother to ask me for a game, I will not answer a PM asking for a game anymore.
<Hylander>the injury box says it all. But you played heaps better than me
<Silver> thx
<Silver> maybe i was more awake? ;)
<Hylander> na just plain better player :)
<Hylander> thanks for the lesson
<Silver> ;) your welcome